ADHD · fitness

Christine says “Pah, Humbug!” to upper body tension

Truth be told, I’m saying a lot more than that to this upper body tension but this post isn’t about maybe swearing will help, I wrote about that a few weeks ago.

So, the knot in my neck I mentioned in my swearing post has practically gone but this week has been an engraved invitation to muscle tension.

I had lots of things to get done, a lot of task/context switching, a couple of deadlines, some unclear expectations from other people, and I slept poorly.

I had a migraine on Tuesday* and another migraine (the same migraine?) was hunting me Wednesday and Thursday, and everyone I have ever met wanted me to have a ‘quick meeting.’**

Anyway, I was doing what I do under that kind of deluge…

Hiking my shoulders up by my ears and gritting my back teeth as I worked hard to keep my focus.

A cartoonish drawing of a tense-looking person with an unhappy expression and their shoulders up by their ears.
Does this look like me? Not particularly. Is it evocative of the feeling I was having? Yep. It also makes me look a little like I have Angel wings which is misleading to say the least. Image description: a quick cartoonish sketch in black ink of a person with chin length hair and glasses with their shoulders all bunched up next to their ears and their jaw a little sideways. Their mouth is a single small diagonal line.

Was this helpful?

No, it was not.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

Despite trying to remember to drop my shoulders away from my ears/ relax my jaw, I ended up turning my upper body into a giant ball of tense muscle that even Robaxacet screamed in terror and ran away from.

After several days of doing everything I could think of to find some ease, I dredged up an old technique out of my muscle memory (This is where the title comes it, it wasn’t just nonsense!***)

I started by generating even more muscle tension, breathing in as I balled up my fists and hiked my shoulders up as far as they would go.

A cartoon drawing of a person holding their breath with their shoulders hiked up by their ears and their hands balled into fists.
Another flattering representation of me. Judging by the vertical lines on my clothes, I have now apparently gone to an odd prison or to an 80s power lunch. image description: another cartoonish drawing of a person with chin-length hair and glasses, cheeks puffed out from holding their breath, hands balled up in fists, shoulders as high up as they will go, wearing a dress (?) with vertical black lines on it.

I held my breath for 10 seconds.

Then I quickly dropped my shoulders, flicked open my hands, and shouted ‘PAH!’

A cartoon drawing of a person whose body is fairly relaxed and they are shouting the word ‘PAH!’
Each drawing more lovely than the last. Image description: a cartoonish drawing of person with chin length hair and glasses with their mouth open wide. A speech balloon next to their head reads ‘PAH!’ In this drawing, their shoulders are at normal height and their neck is actually visible. Their hands are hanging down at their sides and their fingers are spread out a little. They are wearing a vertically-striped shirt (the drawing is only from the waist up.)

Why ‘Pah’? Damned if I know! That was just what I was taught the first time I learned the technique.

I’ve seen this routine in lots of videos and tip guides since I first learned it but I’m not sure where I got it in the first place.

Anyway, no matter where it came from, it helps, especially if you do it a lot.

I’m over here saying ‘Pah! Humbug!’ and you are quite welcome to join me but I can’t help but wonder if you have any other little tension-easing tricks?

*Yes, yes, I do see the connection now. Those fabled, eyeless fish that people found in underwater caves back in the day likely saw that cause and effect before me but yes, I do see it.

**No disrespect intended to anyone who wanted a quick chat/meeting. It was the volume of requests that was the problem, not the requests themselves! How could anyone know what else I was juggling at the moment?

***For the record, I am strongly pro-nonsense and I reserve the right to invoke it at any time.

Let us know what you think....