
Taking time for yourself

I took almost eight weeks off from blogging. I needed to stop and assess where I found myself at 60. It wasn’t just reaching a milestone birthday. I needed the time to reflect on what’s next in a time where change is constant.

I did a fair bit of reading – some thoughtful, some frivolous, some challenging. I work a fair bit with mental health so I looked at self care, stress management, and the pandemic.

I came across this fabulous image.  You can find it and a number of other useful resources at The graphic explains the continuum of stress from “Thriving: I got this” to “In Crisis: I can’t survive this.” I find it useful as it identifies a number of ways stress, especially increasing, constant stress – can appear.

Image shows four columns, ranging from green, yellow, orange, and red signifying increasing levels of stress and its impact on you. For example, managing well means having normal sleep patterns while not managing or coping with stress is represented by difficulty sleeping or experiencing disrupted sleep.

The holidays can be very stressful. There is a lot of pressure to make things perfect, splendid, memorable.  The reality is we are not characters in a Hallmark movie (thank heavens for that!). We are imperfect, flawed human beings and we need to treat ourselves and each other with compassion and care.

Last year I created a wellness advent calendar, a post a day during December 2020. You can find the round up here:

Take a look. Perhaps you will find a few strategies that will help you navigate the year ahead. During my brief blogging hiatus —  such a handy word to describe a pause or a gap in a series or sequence – I learned again how important it is to step outside and take a breath.

This doesn’t mean I shut myself off; it meant I took time to figure out what I needed and how I was going to do it. A good chunk of my paid work is helping organizations create strategic plans. It had been a while since I last created a plan for myself so I took time to create one for the year ahead. I’ll share some of it in future blog posts. It’s been a good break and I am glad to be back.

The Spanish have a proverb: if you don’t know where you are going, then any road will do. Without vision, you cannot imagine what should or will be. A vision guides you in making your purpose real. Your vision is the beacon that lights your way forward. I hope you can create your vision and live it boldly. Be well, stay well.

2 thoughts on “Taking time for yourself

  1. Happy birthday. L the chart is interesting; I have spent months living between yellow and orange, and it has taken me a very long time to acknowledge it.

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