fitness · fun · habits · new year's resolutions

Go Team! January 19: Have a Bit More Fun

We’ve already talked about how important it is to remember what you like about exercising but we haven’t gotten into how motivating it can be to make fun your movement goal for the day.

Not every workout or meditation session is going to be a party, of course. Sometimes we have to do things that don’t thrill us in order to reach the results we are looking for.

However, staying open to introducing fun whenever possible can help you to keep coming back to your workouts – and that’s what we’re aiming for, right?

So, how can you seek some fun movement today?

Maybe you could switch up your workout and do jump rope, hula-hooping, or spend time balancing on the bosu ball…assuming you find those things fun, of course!

You could choose to dig out some goofy dance or shiny spandex 80s aerobics videos on YouTube.

Perhaps your kid or one of your niblings might be up for some races.

An at-home obstacle course could definitely at some fun to your day.

If meditation is your goal, perhaps choosing a new space, a fuzzier blanket, or a different guided meditation* might increase the fun factor.

Obviously, the choice is yours and it all depends on what *you* enjoy in a workout. The key here is that by adding your own kind of fun, you will look forward to your workout.

You don’t have to make fun your goal every day (although it’s not a bad idea!) but if you make sure to sprinkle fun into your workouts whenever you need it, it will make it easier to keep exercise in your schedule.

Here are your gold star(s) for your efforts. (I picked a fun drawing of mine to go along with today’s theme. )

 Image description: An index card drawing of ​three tiny people holding gold stars almost as large as they are. They are standing on a green field with stereo speakers at either end and there are music notes in the air above them. The index card is resting on a shiny gold surface.
Yes, these people are dancing with the stars. Yes, I do think I’m funny…at least to myself. 😉 Image description: An index card drawing of three tiny people holding gold stars almost as large as they are. They are standing on a green field with stereo speakers at either end and there are music notes in the air above them. The index card is resting on a shiny gold surface.

* If you really want to mix things up, go to YouTube and search ‘cursing meditation.’ Those meditations aren’t for those who object to strong language but if you are ok with it, you’ll probably enjoy the (surprisingly useful) irreverence.