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Catherine and the Girl Scouts are cookie-positive and diet-negative

CW: talk of diet culture and body awareness

1.Who here used to sell Girl Scout cookies? Anyone? Anyone? I did.

2.Who here has looked forward to Girl Scout cookie season (especially the thin mints)? No need to be shy– feel free to step on up. I’m already there.

3.Who here wants to transmit their admittedly-hard-to-get-rid-of feelings of body policing and food restriction on a bunch of little girls, otherwise excited to do some business with the public for the very first time? No one? Good. Not me, either!

If you answered yes to 2. and no to 3, you’re in good company. And, the Girls Scouts are happy to help you out with some tips. Here they are (copied from their Insta page)

Girl scout advice for talking to them while buying cookies: recognize the cycle of body drama, see yourself through your girl's eyes; curb diet and "skinny" talk, help her tell "fit" from fiction, and go ahead, tell your girl she's beautiful.
Honestly, this advice is good for virtually any situation, and virtually any person.

Who here loves the fact that little girls selling cookies can help the rest of us remember that sometimes (actually, all the time), a cookie is just a cookie? ME!

Oh yeah, we all want in on this. Kids all raising their hands in class.
Oh yeah, we all want in on this.

But you’re not limited in what else a cookie can be: it can be a thin mint, lemon, toffee, or whatever you can dream up and whip up (and buy up from your local troop). Here’s their list for this year:

The 2024 Girl Scout Cookie Lineup

If you want to read about one mother’s experiences with body- and diet-conscious messaging during her daughter’s first cookie sales, read here. If you want to find out where and how to buy Girl Scout Cookies during the season, check it out here.

Or, you could decide to bake or buy or borrow some other cookies to enjoy at your leisure. It’s up to you. Enjoy…

One thought on “Catherine and the Girl Scouts are cookie-positive and diet-negative

  1. A cookie is just a cookie unless it’s a Peanut Butter Patty/Tagalong and I’ve just eaten a whole package after I swore I wouldn’t.

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