aging · fitness

Study shows plant-based protein is good for healthier aging for women

Most of my blogging these days is over at my solo-venture, Vegan Practically. And occasionally I write something there that may be of interest to readers here too. Such was the case this week when I posted about a recent study that indicates that protein, especially plant-based protein, helps women with “healthy” aging. In my post I say more about why I don’t often focus on the health arguments for plant-based eating and I also express some possible concerns we might have about the concept of “healthy” aging. But the study does offer a further argument for incorporating more plant-based protein into our food choices, and that’s a great thing!

I hope you this makes you want to read more! If so, please follow the link to this post, and I encourage you to explore the blog further while you’re there 🙂

Bon Appétit!

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