
Diane’s 24 Things for 2024

Recently Sam posted her list of 24 things she wants to do in 2024, inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project and asked what others planned to do. Here is my list:

Pick a word of the year. Mine is explore.

Commit to writing for 2, 4, or 24 minutes a day – not sure at all I want to do this one. I write regularly (I have a personal blog plus whatever goes into FIFI, and I do my best to write a little something in a journal. But it feels forced and what I really want to do is catch up on reading and crafting.

Choose 24 things I want to do in 2024:

1.       Camp more at the cottage property

2.       Start work on getting a cottage built there. I need everything from a building permit to a well to electricity and a septic system, and I have never done any of those things before

3.       Get the canoe into the water and explore the lake

4.       Hike some of the trails around the cottage area

5.       Bike to Gatineau Park for a swim

6.       Read one book a month

7.       Read one magazine a week

8.       Cook one new recipe a week

9.       Weed and care for my gardens and hopefully harvest more food

10.   Swim outdoors more

11.   Make some gifts I have offered but not started (and there is a February deadline)

12.   Sew at least five outfits that have been lurking in my fabric stash and “to do” list for 4 years or more

13. Get back to crafting – I have too much stuff in my stash and don’t believe that the person with the most stuff when they die wins

An image of Julie Andrews spinning in a circle with her arms spread out (from The Sound of Music), with the words Look at all these unfinished projects”.

14.   Couch surfing vacation to southern Ontario as part of Stratford Theatre trip with friends

15.   Volunteer more. I’m currently active with three groups but don’t spend as much time working with them as I would like

16.   Visit my son in Toronto

17.   Spend more time with my parents

18. Adventures on my new-to-me Brompton. More cycling generally, actually.

19.   Qualify as a lifeguard and swim instructor and look for a part-time post-retirement job

20.   Maintain some sort of yoga practice, still to be defined. Right now it’s a short video every night before bed

21.   Empty my closets. I don’t buy much, but neither am I very good at getting rid of things I never wear

22.   Be loud. This year I have discovered my activist voice and I like it.

23.   Relax. Deliberately spend time staring at trees, or lounging in the sun, meditating, or whatever

24. I have no idea! This is a placeholder for whatever adventures might come my way, or new things I want to explore.

Image of Bilbo Baggins walking while holding a map, from the movie The Hobbit, and the words l’m Going on an Adventure.

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