
Revisiting Intentions

Almost two weeks into the new year and I’m still hanging on to the old me, just like I was last year. There are a few differences though, the biggest being that I still haven’t thought about any intentions, resolutions, or goals for this year. Typically I set some overarching goals or themes and then divide them out by quarter, making a plan for each quarter as it approaches. This year I set my word of the year (less) and that’s about as far as I got. Holiday travel plus a busier than usual early January season has kept me from putting any additional energy into a 2023 wrap-up or a 2024 look ahead, and I’m okay with that.

Different colored kettlebells lined up on a shelf.
Photo by Richard R on Unsplash

I know many others did make resolutions (goals, themes, or any other myriad of terminology may represent these same aims). It is about this time that we start to hear about people weakening in their resolve to “stick to” their resolutions. That may be why today, January 12, is National Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution Day. It can feel like a good time to take inventory of how your plan is going, if the ideas you had when you started are still feeling right for you, or if you need to take stock and revise any of those plans to suit your needs better. If we’re being honest I’m not a big fan of “stick to it-ness,” but I am a huge proponent of taking inventory and seeing what is meeting your needs and then revising or tossing out the rest. That can be done on any day of the year, but it’s nice to have a little built in mechanism to encourage us to think about it so soon after enacting our new plans for the year.

If your plans happened to include strength training please also note that today is National Kettlebell Day. According to the website, the creators of this day hoped it would be a day to “show others that kettlebells can indeed be used in multiple ways, by people from all walks of life and at all fitness levels.” Three suggestions for ways to “celebrate” the day include: watching a kettlebell video, using kettlebells in your workout, and introducing others to the kettlebell. That last one include introducing folks to your trainers and kettlebell classes, but I much prefer to think of it as inviting your friends over to meet your kettlebell named Bob.

If you resolved to take more time for quiet reflection or just relaxing throughout your day you might also be interested to know that today is National Hot Tea Day. Recommended ways of celebrating include brewing a cup of tea, post a beautiful photo of your tea on social media, or host a tea party. I’ll be pausing for at least one tea break and thinking about my friend who recently gifted me with delicious herbal teas and a pair of cozy socks.

Maybe kettlebells, tea, and keeping your resolutions isn’t on your agenda for today. Have you thought about kissing a ginger? Thanking your pharmacist? Enjoying the feast of fabulous wild men? Eating curried chicken? Indulging in some delicious marzipan? Working harder? Or maybe just quitting! You can read all about the many celebrations, memorials, and downright kooky “days” of today (and the whole year) on the National Today website.

Which “day” will you be enjoying?

Amy Smith is a professor of Media & Communication and a communication consultant who lives north of Boston. Her research interests include gender communication and community building. Amy spends her movement time riding the basement bicycle to nowhere, walking her two dogs, and waiting for it to get warm enough for outdoor swimming in New England.

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