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Making Space 2023: Day 29

Hey Team,

Please remember that you don’t have to spend this week making plans for how to make 2024 your best year ever.

If that kind of planning feels good, have at it. But if it feels like something you *should* do, please do something else instead.

You can spend this week making space for yourself, taking deep breaths, just puttering along in whatever way suits you best.

You can also take January one day at a time once it gets here.

You also have the option of labelling January as Planuary, like I do, and deciding what kinds of plans to make once the calendar rolls over to 2024.

(Maybe that’s not how the movers and shakers do things but I am not interested in being a mover or a shaker, except in the most literal of terms – I like being able to move and sometimes stuff needs shaking up.)


Here is your movement suggestion for today. I really enjoy this 5 Minute Foot, Core, and Pelvic Floor workout from Dr Bri’s Vibrant Pelvic Health.

Still image is of the instructor smiling on a sunny tropical beach. There is a small inset photo of her feet and the words ‘Quick Foot and Core’ are superimposed on the right side of the image.

And today’s meditation is Releasing the Resistance from Great Meditations. I don’t know if you are feeling resistant to anything in particular right now but it is such a common feeling that I figured it would be useful no matter what is going on for us at the moment.

Still image is a drawing of a person with flowers in their long brown hair, they look peaceful. On the right side of the image is text reading ‘Releasing the Resistance guided meditation’

About Making Space 2023:
In December 2020, Fit is a Feminist Issue blogger Martha created a tradition – a series of reminder posts to take good care of ourselves during this last month of the year when it is far too easy to get swept up in your to do list, no matter what you are celebrating or not celebrating. 

In 2021, I started doing daily December reminders with a post called Give Yourself Some Space,  and that’s how the ‘Making Space‘ December tradition began. Throughout December 2021 and 2022, I wrote a short post that included two videos – one for exercise and one for meditation – and a bit of encouragement for you to make space for yourself at this busy time of year. 

These posts are not about cramming more things into your month, they reminding you that there IS a *YOU* who is doing all of the things and that you are worth taking good care of.

Perhaps the things I suggest aren’t what you need at the moment. That’s totally ok. Perhaps you can use something else to create some space, something that will help you feel more relaxed or more in charge of your day. Just do whatever you can to give yourself a little more breathing room.

Personally, I am trying to Finish 2023 Soft so I am putting conscious effort into resting whenever I can. My overjangled nervous system needs a chance to unjangle and that process may look different every day. 

So, some of these posts may be long and some may be short but please know that every single one of them is written with the hope that you can find a little ease in your day, whatever that looks like for you.

Let us know what you think....