223 in 2023 · family · fitness

Catherine meets her 223 workouts for 2023 with time to spare

Well, it’s happened. I didn’t know if it ever would. But this was my year. Yes, I’m talking about finishing my 223 workouts in 2023 challenge without frantically rushing around the block multiple times on December 30 or grimly doing bridge exercises in my living room. But, on December 22, I made it: hit the 223 mark!

A stick figure with thumbs up saying go me!
Go me!

Yes, I know this news isn’t of tremendous import: I wasn’t the first over the line, and it was Dec 22 when I met the goal. But: this was the first year since I joined the challenge group in 2018 that it went so smoothly. Every other year, I had to plot and plan to get the workouts in over the holidays so I could finish up by Dec 30 or 31. All that last-minute hustling left me feeling foolish instead of glad or proud. Not good.

A blue smiley face, frowning, and caption of poor me!
Poor me!

But that didn’t happen this year. What was different in 2023?

Looking back, I see a few changes. The main one is that I sought out or let myself be pulled into group activity. This sounds simple, but during the pandemic many of us shifted to more solitary workouts. I thought that would go well for me. It so didn’t. Turns out I do much better in groups, even groups where I’m the least fit person.

Also, I traveled more in 2023, seeing friends and family, going to conferences, doing a little touristing even. Again, I wasn’t a solitary self for any of these trips; I was accompanied by friends or family, who swam and walked and cycled and did yoga alongside me. It was fun. More often than not it was low-key as well– just getting outside and enjoying ourselves.

My sister and niece with the dogs, accompanying me on workout number 223.

This year I tried to say yes to more outings with people, to worry less about my fitness and instead to focus on spending time with people whose company I enjoy. And those people often like to move around in space (including water). So I went with them, and enjoyed myself as well.

Finally, a big shout-out to Nature, for being there all the time, ready to accept our visits. None of this is news to any of us, but heading out to green spaces, preferably near water, smooths out the rough edges of anyone’s day. Here are a few highlights from workout #224, done yesterday with family.

I expect I’ll rack up a few more workouts before year’s end. But I’m not sweating it. And that, my friends, is news to me!

Dear readers, how is your end of year activity going? Are you getting out there? Staying in? Looking to bust out of a relative’s living room to stretch your legs? Running after dogs or kids? I’d love to hear from you.

Let us know what you think....