Sat with Nat · yoga

It’s happening in increments: 12 weeks of at home yoga practice.

Recommended listening: The Nature of the Experiment by Tokyo Police Club

I’ve been keeping to an at home daily practice since mid-March. It’s likely that I’ve done more yoga in three months than I’ve done in my lifetime. I’ve put it squarely in my day where my morning commute was.

Just for Today

I hadn’t planned on a daily practice. I just started one morning to see if it would help ease some back and shoulder pain.

It’s ok to not be present

It’s not glamorous, just 20 – 30 minutes in the morning and sometimes again at night. I’ve learned that on days I’m just going through the motions it’s ok to be bored, distracted or mechanical because my body gets the benefits of movement regardless.

My block is my dear friend

I’ve learned how to make more use of my yoga block to support my body in different postures as well as an assist standing up or getting onto the ground. I also move it from one side to the other to keep track of repetitions of my warm up and Sun Salutations.

A yoga mat, a book and a block.

Everyday has its own speed

I’ve learned I like to set my own pace. Some days I’m slow and achy while other days the flow is fast and aerobic. By respecting how I’m feeling and what time I have available my practice can be squeezed into 10 minutes or expand over hours.

My practice space needs are modest & flexible

I’ve learned I need just 2” at the top and bottom of my mat and about 18” on either side.

I no longer need a quiet or isolated space. Noise from my family, neighbours doesn’t bother me. Rather it’s nice to hear everyone going about their day. I can practice anywhere I can throw my mat down. No fuss. No muss. No coconuts.

Incremental changes in my strength and flexibility

The shape of my postures is changing. I first noticed in Child’s pose my head began to touch the ground. Similarly sitting in a kneeling posture has become more comfortable as my shins and tops of my feet stretch out. I can keep my feet together in mountain pose.

My feet, pressed together on a yoga mat. My toes all nested in against each other as I try to balance.

I’m able to hold balance postures longer and with less prop assistance. The most surprising posture was toes and arms extended plank becoming available to me again after many years on needing my knees and elbows in plank.

Using tools

I like practicing at home as I can modify or use props to assist me that aren’t available at a studio. I find it freeing to be on my own, doing my own thing to the point of listening to guided practice feels intrusive and annoying.

Finding Control

I found that my daily practice has given me an inner locus of control. I used to rely on others to get me to the gym. I relied on massage and chiropractor to manage my aches & pains. Now it’s on me, my choice to do the exercises and benefit or not. My choice what I do and how I do it.

At a time when I feel so powerless this seems doable. I didn’t set out to craft a daily yoga practice or a 90 day run. I thought I’d just try to feel better.

“It’s the nature of my experiment that it’s happening in increments.”

3 thoughts on “It’s happening in increments: 12 weeks of at home yoga practice.

  1. Great post Nat. I’m enjoying how much less self conscious I am doing yoga at home. Like you I’m pulling in all the couch pillows, I mean props.

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