Sat with Nat

1 year of off again, on again fitness classes. 

A year ago I tried a 30 minutes fitness class:

I can’t believe I’m saying this, I found an instructor led group exercise class I actually like. 

Given my past in the military I have a lot of challenges to taking instructor led fitness classes.   I’m so glad my work colleagues cajoled me into taking that first class. 

I enjoy cxworx because the exercises target the areas of my body that complain the most from my sedentary job. My balance and coordination have definitely improved. I feel strong after each class even if I don’t often feel like going. 

I have a lot of challenges in the class as I’ve not yet developed the core strength necessary for the moves. With the help of the instructors I know how to modify the exercises to get a workout for where I’m at. I tried taking a locker room selfie:

Her short hair tousled, Natalie makes a wry face like “oh this sucks”. She’s wearing an orange soccer jersey and black tights. The background is beige lockers.
Natalie does not enjoy locker room selfies.

I don’t make it to every class but I certainly enjoy and value each one I get to take.