charity · cycling · fitness

Different distances on a Sunday, all good

This weekend seemed to be the weekend of blogger and blogger-adjacent bike rides.

I’m writing to congratulate myself on feeling good about my relatively short distance rides.

This blog’s Cate rode 103 km. (Note from Cate: I did that ride because I’m training for a cycling trip in Eastern Europe — and I realized after I finished that it was the first time I’d ridden 100km since we were all in windy Newfoundland in July 2019. No wonder it felt epic!)

Nat rode 30 km. (Nat’s training for the Grand Bend to London MS Bike Tour and you can donate to that worthy cause and sponsor Nat’s ride here.)

And me, I managed 15 km Saturday and 15 km Sunday as I come back from knee surgery. (My end of summer event is the Pedaling for Parkinson’s Ride in Prince Edward County and you can sponsor me here.)

And we’re all in awe of Nat’s partner Michel who last week rode 1000 km! Even if I’m not tempted, I’m definitely intrigued and impressed.

More and more, I’m feeling okay about being where I am and not worrying about where I ought to be. I think major surgery and recovery does that. It’s a serious reset and I’m okay with that.

I blogged last week about fear of setting big goals and even writing that post and admitting that made me feel vulnerable. This week I was just so happy to be out on my bike and riding that all of those feelings–while very real and still there–don’t have to run the show. I’m happy just be out there riding my bike.

Gasport to Middleport
Middleport to Medina
Sunday’s ride, Medina to Knowlesville and back