
Moments that buoy your spirits

I was going to write about things that bug me. You know, the targeted “reels” on social media that you are meant to relate to but that bug the hell out of you. For example, the skinny blond with 2” fake, glittery, nails showing you how to make a hamburger “bun” with cottage cheese? Or, how to make sure every bite of food you put in your mouth contains as much protein as possible. I understand the need to get “enough” protein, but I think social media influencers have jumped the shark on that one. What am I saying online that makes AI think this is what will inspire me?!

I have decided not to focus on the things that bug me though. It can be cathartic to vent about trivial things. Yes, I know the aforementioned pet peeves are trivial as all hell. 

Even the things I’m about to talk about, that buoy me – keep me afloat on days where I’m feeling sad, prickly, annoyed, tired – are trivial in the grand scheme of things. 

But in my small world, I am often looking for the small things that sustain and delight me. 

When my daily workout practice comes up, people at work or those close to me say, “it’s so great that you continue to do those things”. As if I am achieving something major. I get what they are saying, for many, it’s challenging to maintain a regular exercise routine. There are all kinds of reasons, sometimes beyond an individual’s control. But, I cannot relate, in the sense that, assuming I am not sick or injured, I cannot imagine not scheduling a workout in my day (usually morning) because it sustains me. It keeps me afloat. Mentally and as I get older, more than likely, physically, so that I am not too stiff. I know this sounds like a humble brag, but it’s not meant to. I’m just describing what works for me. What works for me doesn’t work for everyone.

Even though I love working out I do not start out every session full of pep or full of positivity. No, I have just scheduled in my day and I show up. 

On occasion, when I show up, I feel extra irritable or tired that morning, but inevitably, I feel better by the end of the workout. 

There are moments that come up while working out, that buoy me. 

This past weekend, the theme of the conditioning workout was “power moves”. One of the stations involved standing in between two large kettlebells, which had bands tied to them, putting the bands around your shoulders and jumping up and down in a controlled fashion. Many of the class gaped when the coach was describing the room. Perhaps, we were picturing catapulting too far up and slamming down. I was a bit apprehensive about it. But, when it was my turn I went for it, cautiously, and it was not scary at all. Dare I say easy (don’t tell Bethany because she might make it harder). Also, it was FUN. So much so that it was my favourite station that day. That kind of unexpected fun, when you tried something, you weren’t sure about, and it was FUN – that’s a small thing that provides me with small amounts of joy. 

Nicole, a middle aged white woman with a highlighted blond mass of curly hair tied up in a ponytail, on top of her head, wearing a mint green tank top and reddish purple high waisted leggings, tethered by two thin red exercise bands to two large black kettlebells – arms are mid flight.

When there is a task that you may not think is something you wish to do, but it’s in your wheelhouse of things you are willing to try, those moments of enjoyment are a type of freedom. Freedom from your overactive mind. Freedom from big and small problems in the world. It’s fantastic. 

Other things I can think of that provided sustaining energy this past week were:

  • newly blossoming magnolia trees in the neighbourhood
  • visiting family and seeing more extended family than usual. Especially the young adults among us
  • discussions with people I report to at work who show they “see me and it’s working” (it’s a fairly new job and so nice compared to some previous experiences) 
  • I decided to make coconut macaroons the other day and it starts with whipping egg whites. I am the obnoxious person who puts the freshly whipped egg whites in my “stories”. Why? Because just the act of making them and the sight of those glossy whipped egg whites make me happy. It is a bit crazy. Maybe a bit “basic” but it does. 
selective focus photo of flowers
Magnolia blossoms Photo by Lena Khrupina on
A bowl of freshly whipped egg whites with the large beater immersed in the fluffy cloud.

Dear Readers – what little things are providing you with some needed pep these days? 

Nicole P is looking forward to some warming, sunny, soul-sustaining days.

Let us know what you think....