fitness · functional fitness

The changing of seasons and functional fitness

It’s spring and Catherine is right, that does mean spring flowers.

However, in my fitness world it also means the seasonal changing of tires and moving of clothes.

Out of season tires live beside the house, in a semi-covered area along with canoes and the snowblower and lawn furniture.

Out of season clothes live in the basement in bins and need carrying up two flights of stairs, emptying, refilling and carrying back down.

There aren’t a lot of household chores that feel like fitness activities to me, but these do.

When I carry the tires from beside the house (carry and not roll because it’s less awkward and because I can and I feel badass doing it) to the car and drive them to the tire changing place, and then empty the car of the out of season tires and stack those, I think, “This is why I go to the gym.”

When you search for images of tires you see lots of pics of people using tires in the gym for fitness but I would feel a bit odd paying for tire-centric fitness activities in the gym and then not moving my own tires around at home.

A woman flipping a tire in the gym. Photo by  Maksim Chernyshev  on  Scopio.

I know lots of people who not only have someone else change their tires, they also have someone else store their tires, but I’m not there yet. Never say never. But not now.

To be clear, Sarah is the arranger of tires. She’s the Scandinavian architect of tires and their arranging.   I’m the meth raccoon.

So far, we’re through the tires. Next up, spring and summer clothes.

(We’ve had this discussion a few times, the debate between those of us on the blog who swap out clothes seasonally and those who don’t. Mostly it comes down to living alone or living in a house full of people and/or storing their stuff.)

Blue and white boat on heap of tires. Photo by  Aleksander Des  on  Scopio
And yes we have dogs and boats and tires, but not that many tires, and they’re stacked neatly.

How about you? Do you have chores that feel more like fitness activities?

Let us know what you think....