fitness · swimming

Sick Sunday, the fantasy swim vacation edition

Hi folks– there’s a particularly vicious cold virus going around, and it finally found me on Saturday. Today I’m in the throes of sleepless, snotty, coughy, crabby ColdWorld. You’ve all been there: can’t find a position for sleeping that doesn’t result in paroxysms of coughing, loud wheezing, breathing obstruction, etc. (Insert more whining here).

Yes, I’m glad it’s not COVID (of course I’ve tested– a couple of times), but it’s just a retro cold. Still, it’s enough to derail my weekend plans, including blog-writing ones. Last weekend I went to a meditation retreat at the Omega Institute, which was a very interesting experience. I’ll be sharing it with you all this week. But right now, I don’t have enough active neurons firing to be particularly expressive or articulate. I had trouble just now typing articulate. You get the picture.

So, until my head clears, here are some pictures of incredible swims people on the Did you swim today? Facebook group have taken recently. A bunch of them are in the Southern Hemisphere, and others in tropical waters, and I am extremely envious. Take a look, and post your own envious thoughts. Or maybe post that you’ve swum there too, and I’ll envy you.

-crabby, coughy Catherine

Retouched but gorgeous nonetheless image of a swimming hole in a Queensland national park where some lucky duck took a dip.

Not my idea of nautical fun, but: a swimmer in Montegro, swimming near a WWII submarine tunnel. Pretty water, but too scary for me.

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