
How much water should we drink to be hydrated? (Round II)

A little over two years ago I wrote a post about how much water we should be drinking. You can find it here.

Image shows a household tap with drops of water falling. Photo by Jos Speetjens on Unsplash

Recently NPR posted a myth-busting article about water myths and human bodies. The five myths they tackle include:

  • Myth #1: You need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  • Myth #2: Caffeine makes you dehydrated.
  • Myth #3: We need sports drinks to replace salt and other electrolytes.
  • Myth #4: Drinking water can help you lose weight.
  • Myth #5: Dark-colored pee means you’re dehydrated.

I knew about the first one and the third, and had held suspicions about the second. The rest however surprised me. In fact, I thought I had heard all the tropes about weight loss but drinking water to lose weight was one I had not heard of.

The article does a nice job explaining some of the latest research findings and evidence to debunk the myths, always a useful approach given the misinformation we can encounter in health, fitness, wellness, and nutrition.

MarhaFitat55 is always interested in reliable health information we can use.

One thought on “How much water should we drink to be hydrated? (Round II)

  1. I typically hear #4 one of two ways: 1) drinking water before eating can help you feel full faster, which allows you to consume less food/calories, and 2) some people have a hard time differentiating between thirst and hunger cues, so if you think you feel hungry drink water instead (to avoid consuming more calories).
    I actually agree that some of us are bad at understanding our body cues around thirst, hunger, tired/low energy, etc but that is a byproduct of fatphobia and diet culture.

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