blog · blogging · fitness

Happy 7th Anniversary to the Blog!

A dark photo of a chocolate cake with rainbow coloured stripey candles. The candles spell out “happy birthday.”
Photo by Marty Southwell, from Unsplash.

Happy 7th birthday to the blog! (Tomorrow is happy 55th birthday to me!)

That the blog’s birthday and my birthday line up so nicely is no coincidence. Tracy and I started the blog roughly two years before our 50th birthdays as part of our “fittest by 50” challenge. If you want the full story about that, buy the book. Or read the blog posts from the early days.

On August 30, 2012 we didn’t write blog posts but we did post a bit about ourselves.

We’re now explicitly a team blog and I’m excited to see what that brings. See our new schedule here.

For me, I’m also branching out, starting a new Dean’s blog. And as I enter the second half of my fifties I’m thinking about a big stretch goal for 60. Still mulling…