link round up

Fit is Feminist Issue, Link Round Up #55

This is where we share stuff we can’t share on Facebook page for fear of being kicked out! Read why here. Usually the posts are about body image, sometimes there’s nudity but we’re all adults here. Right?

Would you wear a vagina dress?

Known as the Sahara Beaded Neck Maxi dress, the dress is a Wayne by Wayne Cooper design, currently retailing for $219 dollars. Not only does the dress feature a soft vaginal print, it also includes a vajazzled neckline. Available for purchase on the Australian website Myer, women are encouraged to wear it because it will help them to “embrace confidence.”
Let’s talk — just not about your diet, please
Sometimes, I just can’t think “schoolwork.” I can, however, think “blog.” And as promised, I want to continue to talk about some of the toughest parts of negotiating my happy/healthy life on a day-to-day basis.

Today, I want to talk about fat talk. I consider diet talk a form of fat talk. So I’m referring to the kind of chats about how fat we feel, how bad we were over the weekend, what we’re eating or not eating…you know the type. I’m talking about the endless conversations where we beat ourselves up about diet and the shape and size of our bodies, and the significance that we attribute to all of this.

23 Times Feminists Had The Perfect Comeback

When one girl got the last laugh.

8 Things A Feminist Looks For In A Partner, Because Conforming To Gender Roles Is Completely Optional

Starting at a young age, we receive a number of messages from the media, our peers, and our elders that train us to seek out imbalanced relationships: “Men should make the first move.” “Women shouldn’t want sex.” You’ve heard them; we all have. So what is a feminist relationship, then? Obviously they can be as varied and unique as the sheer number of people in the world, but what most feminist relationships have in common is this: They’re not based on the need for each person to play the “feminine” or “masculine” role all the time. They can, if each party chooses to — but they don’t have to. The partnership is such that everyone can express all sides of themselves, with every participant holding an equal amount of power.

With non-heteronormative relationships gaining more and more visibility, society’s scripts around dating have necessarily needed to change. Who should pay for dates? Who should take whose last name? Does anyone need to go changing their name at all? While previous generations may have had a set of standard answers for these questions, there is no longer any need for standard answers. Furthermore, there doesn’t have to be one person who is more dominant and one who is more submissive, or one who is more emotional and one who is more logical. While all of these changes may bring many daters into uncharted territory, it can be exciting to revise your concept of a relationship in motion. We don’t have to be limited to just one idea of what a “relationship” is — and that is enormously freeing.

This underwear campaign addresses body image… for blokes!

It’s hard to deny that women experience significant peer pressure from society and the media about body image ideals, but men aren’t exempt from these pressures either.

There have been numerous campaigns focused on positive body-image for women. Now an underwear campaign in Norway has decided to do the same for men. What do you think?

The company, Dressmann, is using real men to model their underwear using the tagline “Underwear for perfect men”. It’s a clever way to showcase the fact that a “perfect” body can come in any shape or size.

When Someone Can’t Believe Fat People Can Be Happy with Our Bodies

This is a weird phenomenon that has certainly happened to me and to my friends who are open about their fat acceptance, and loving their fat bodies.  The commentary can take a lot of forms, usually something like “Well, I can’t believe that you are really happy.” or “I could never be happy with my body if I was your size.”

This isn’t something that I find appropriate for someone to share with me regardless, but I have noticed the same thing that Jeanine did – it’s not really said as if they want to share their thoughts about their own body with me.  What it can often sound like is “I know better than you how you feel about your body” as if it’s a (cowardly) way of trying to accuse us of lying.
