motivation · sports nutrition · training

My fitness mission statement

As part of the Lean Eating program which I’m doing through Precision Nutrition, we get various “homework” assignments. You can read about my decision to give that program a try here. I’ll do a full evaluation of the program at the end but short answer for now, I love it.

This week’s assignment was to draft a fitness mission statement, one that articulated our goals and values around food and fitness. Here’s my first try. Apologies for the font choice. I know some of you care about that but it was an online photo editor with limited choices.

If I were adding to it I think I’d say something about environmental values, “living lightly on the earth,” and something about friends, family, love, moving with others, and dancing, especially dancing.

What would your fitness mission statement look like? generated Image

One thought on “My fitness mission statement

  1. It’s a great wonderful idea for anyone!

    I think I wrote mine when I wrote up a blog post several months ago about finding the physical activity/exercise you like to match your personality.

    Here’s what I wrote and I really believe it ’cause it works for me:

    “May you discover a physical activity, that lights the fuse of your motivation, inspiration and leads you to more related passions, friends and good health for life.”

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