
Plogging in the rain …

Image shows a blue surgical mask discarded by a roadside. Photo by Dim Hou on UnsplashThis

This post isn’t about mask-wearing. Now that the snow is long gone in my part of the world and the spring winds are blowing freely, there’s lots of garbage floating around. Part of it is because we don’t have enough garbage cans along our sidewalks, parks and trails. Part of it is just sheer rudeness by people who feel it’s okay to throw their refuse to the four winds.

A friend always takes a bag with her on her walks to collect garbage. She feels she is doing her part to make her neighbourhood cleaner and greener. If she was running, we would call it plogging. About a year ago, I wrote about plogging as my new activity:

My partner gave me a garbage picker-upper after I saw how much he had cleaned up on his walks.

If you haven’t tried plogging, give it a go. I wrote about the origins here:

It’s always good to leave a space better than you found it.

Let us know what you think....