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Running with baby!

My partner and I bought ourselves two things for Christmas this year: a hoover (vacuum) robot and a running/bike trailer to take the little human on sporty adventures with us. So on Boxing Day, we ventured out for our first run as three, which was also my first run since I was 28 weeks pregnant. It was So! Much! Fun!, even though I’m very much out of shape. No regrets on spending our hard earned euros on this new plaything! The small human enjoyed it too, or at least he didn’t complain and even fell asleep.

Bettina in running gear with a three-wheel running stroller and a snugly-dressed baby in it (no photos of baby’s face on the interwebs, sorry!).

Hooray for getting my identity as a runner back, and for making the little one part of it!

4 thoughts on “Running with baby!

  1. Yay, Bettina! Love the star (there must be a very cute little face behind it!), the hair and the smile (and really the whole picture and description).

    1. It’s not hair, it’s a hair band! Haha 😀 but you’re giving me ideas, maybe I should go bright red? I can confirm by the way that there is indeed a very cute face behind the star in the picture 🙂

      1. It’s so funny, because I looked at the picture and kept thinking–I didn’t remember Bettina had such wild hair, and I was loving it. So yes, I was unintentionally giving you 2021 ideas 🙂

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