
Three Things on a Thursday: Watch, Read, and Listen

Thing 1, a thing to watch.

To Watch: You Go Girl!

In the New Yorker: A Black Woman’s Spiritual Journey Up a Mountain, in “You Go Girl!”

In Shariffa Ali’s short film, a comedian grapples with her fears and finds healing and solidarity in the outdoors.

Here’s the trailer but the New Yorker link has the full short film.

Thing 2, a thing to read

To Read: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Gym Class by Greta Christina

“I hated gym class. Like so many other nerdy, awkward kids, I despised it. I was bad at it; I was scared of it; it was a place of exclusion and shame.

“And then almost overnight, I started liking gym. I didn’t just stop hating it — I actually enjoyed it. I looked forward to it. I had fun with it. And I was good at it. I vividly remember my nerdy math-teacher father jokingly scolding me about my report card one quarter, scowling and asking with mock disapproval how a daughter of his could have gotten an A in gym.

“What happened?”

Thing 3, a thing to listen to

To Listen: Self Magazine’s Keep it Hot Playlist

31 Scorching Hot Workout Songs That’ll Have You Feeling Yourself

2 thoughts on “Three Things on a Thursday: Watch, Read, and Listen

  1. Thank you for this perfect way to end the fourth day of what is already a long week. I loved the documentary. Am enjoying the gym class piece, and will save the playlist for a bit later. A great antidote to a snowy busy day!

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