
Why I try to exercise on Mondays, or see you in the weight room this afternoon!

imageSo each month my cycling coach designs a new exercise program for me with runs, rides, and weight lifting all laid out on a calendar grid. And each month he asks, as he sets out to design a new one, whether I have a preference for a particular day off.

It would be tempting to pick Mondays.

I’m often frazzled, behind, tired from the weekend. And this semester it’s also been my biggest teaching day.  I don’t mind all the classroom hours. I love teaching and I love my students. But I do mind the late night Sunday class prep. (And yes, I know I could do it Friday. But I don’t.)

Instead, I try to exercise on Mondays. Today I’ll run for my warm up and then lift weights with all the university students in the campus gym. Sometimes I go to Aikido Monday nights.

But my point is that I do something. Monday sets the tone for the week. I don’t know why but sometimes if I miss Monday I can let things slide until Wednesday or Thursday, making me into an almost weekend warrior.

Mondays matter. I pack a lunch on Monday, too. I think it’s the whole start as you mean to continue thing. Mondays set a tone.

So after my second class today, I might be tired but I’ll change and run over to the campus gym, sending a message to the rest of the week that exercise is part of my daily routine. Take that, Monday!

(I’ll probably do some bench pressing. Because it’s Monday, after all.)


How about you? How do you feel about Mondays? Do you workout or rest? What do you usually do?

11 thoughts on “Why I try to exercise on Mondays, or see you in the weight room this afternoon!

  1. Yep, this is how my brain works as well. Monday sets the tone for the week, and breakfast sets the tone for the day. I’m happy to have gotten out of bed and done a workout this morning!

  2. I was just thinking about/writing about this topic today! Mondays are the day to show you’re committed to doing it and doing it right. If I skip Monday, I skip it all.

  3. I like Monday to set the tone. I also usually have both breakfast and lunch packed the night before.
    My norm is to go to ashtanga yoga after work. It’s a good, sweaty and invigorating start to the week.

  4. I just see Monday like any other week day…cycling or walking or transit for work. It’s well, for me…like this daily.

    🙂 What’s exercise? How about active living? 🙂 I’m understating this but honest, my weekdays aren’t very different. It’s my weekends that might be noticeably different for greater distances, an extra 1-2 hrs. per spent on physical activity.

  5. This is really true! Reminds me its Monday – and I better get to the gym! It really does set a tone for the week and I can’t believe I never thought about it that way!

  6. At the moment Monday is my rest day and I like it. It doesn’t throw the rest of the week off. I think that’s just psychological. I can take things day by day. I have not had rest days in the past and I am quite enjoying them.

      1. Right now I have more than one rest day, which is a first. But that all needs to change after the holidays. My personal training is kicking my butt.

  7. I’ve never considered Monday’s in such a way, but you are right, having fitness on Monday is like recharging the batteries for the rest of the week and gives a boost to motivation. Very clever post, thank you for making me realize that I should love Monday’s, instead of hating them!

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