Fit Feminists Shuffle Things Around: New 2018 Blog Schedule

As Tracy de Boer announced Saturday, she’s taking a break. I was happy to read though that she’ll continue to post when there mood strikes. I’m hoping it strikes often.

Here then is our regular schedule for 2018.


Tues: Tracy

Wednesday: Sam or Catherine

(Thanks Catherine for helping me out this super busy first term at my new job!)

Thursday: Tracy or #tbt

Fridays: Susan/Cate/Martha/Kim

Saturdays: Nat/Bettina/Cate/Christine

Sundays: Catherine (Weekends with Womack!)

If you’re ever interested in guest posting here at Fit is a Feminist Issue, drop me a line at

Here is the note I send guests.

Thanks for your willingness to join our community of guest posters at Fit is a Feminist Issue.

Posts usually range between 500 and 1000 words. If your post is really long it might make sense to do it in several parts.

First and foremost we’re a feminist blog and we expect guests to share that perspective. We also usually incorporate a personal perspective in our writing, even if that’s the history of what made us think about the thing we’re writing about.

We also are a body positive blog and we try to keep the diet talk down to a minimum. Lots of us are critical of diets, the long term odds of success, and the beauty standards beneath lots of fitness ideals. We’re more about doing things we love and sharing athletic, rather than aesthetic goals. That said, we don’t all agree about all of these things and “big tent feminism” is part of the charm of the blog.

We try to use accessible language and write with a sense of humour, where appropriate. We especially try to avoid ableist language. For example, we don’t say “crazy” or “lame.” Here’s a link to alternatives

Where it makes sense include links to further resources.
You must include a short bio at the end.

The way it works is that you submit the post for review and I edit it lightly (mostly for grammar and spelling and adequate paragraph breaks). I schedule it. I also add photos. You can email pictures to me,

Contributor status means that you can’t add photos. After a few posts, we switch you to author status and authors can add their own photos and schedule their own posts.

Note: If you are adding your own photos and video, pls be sure to provide image and video descriptions for the visually impaired. All non-text content should have a text alternative that provides an equivalent meaning as the image. Read past posts for some descriptions of the images in the posts. Best practise is for the image description to go in the alt-text field which you can see when you edit the photo. You can put the image description in the caption as well if you have space. Captions are also useful for photo credits Finally, giving your photo a descriptive title makes it easier for search engines to find.

Please share your guest post widely to let your friends and social media followers know about the blog. We’ve got some excellent regular commentators and if you could check in on your post and reply to them that would be great.

Yay! And thanks for contributing!



From the Minimalists collection on Unsplash, photo by Josh Nutall

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