Ask us for our top 5 anything– we’ll tell you

Ask me my top 5, with a mint green background.

I admit it: I love memes and trends and then/now and Q/A and all sorts of little ditties on Facebook. Recently, one of our bloggers (well, Cate) posted this on her feed:

Ask me my top 5 (fill in the blank). Any subject. I’ll give you my best answers.

This got me to thinking: what sorts of top-5 wisdom (or well-honed opinions) might you get from us, the FIFI bloggers? Here’s what some of us came up with.

Savita: my top 5 Locations for Swimming!

Elan: my top 5 Tips for Exercising in Costumes!

Amy: my top 5 music genres for a fun workout (highly personal, ymmv)!

Diane: my top 5 things I learned since getting involved with this blog!

Catherine: my top 5 distance travel must-haves!


My top five pandemic fitness purchases!

and Martha: my top five pandemic fitness purchases!

Dear Readers, what are some of your top 5s of anything that you’re willing to share? We’d love to hear your tips.

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