One month fitness countdown to my next knee replacement. Yikes!

Today is Monday, March 6th.

Last Monday, February 27th, I spent the morning at the hospital, London’s University Hospital, getting my left knee checked out by the surgical team. It’s been 6 months since total knee replacement surgery. While there we discussed the timeline for the next surgery, total knee replacement of my right knee. I left thinking it would be sometime before September. I kind of had July in my mind.

And then the next day they phoned. It’s April 11th. Wowsa.


So I am rescheduling my life, cancelling some trips and conferences, and getting ready for another 6-12 weeks off work. And MORE PHYSIO!

For example, I’m now not going to this great looking conference. If post secondary education is your thing, you should go and tell me all about it.

What are universities for?

I am also not judging the National Ethics Bowl in Canada.

I am going to spend the next month getting ready for surgery.

That means…

I’m doing better at getting the same amount of sleep each night rather than wildly inconsistent amounts, after reading about the health risks of inconsistent sleep schedules.

Sleep tracking

I was amused to see this colouring book but I don’t think I need it!

New Knee New Me Colouring Book

Wish me luck!

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