Ten Percent Happier app is free for many types of frontline workers

NEW UPDATE, 9/15/21: The free offer has expired, BUT: You can get 3 months of free access by clicking here on meditation teacher Jeff Warren’s linktree page, which is also below.

UPDATE, 6/26/21: Ten Percent Happier’s free offer of the app to frontline workers has expired.

Hi everyone– we at Fit is a Feminist Issue don’t do advertising or product placement (except for comedic purposes, and that’s mostly me…), but every now and then, we come across something out there that really works well, or is otherwise worthy of mention.

This is one of those times.

I’ve blogged a bunch of times this year about how restarting my meditation practice has helped me endure, better understand and adapt to the pandemic/political maelstrom which was 2020 (and apparently hasn’t read the calendar to see that 2020 is OVER). Others of us have written about contemplative and self-care and mindfulness habits we’ve revisited or started.

I’d like to share some very nice news with you: my favorite meditation app, called Ten Percent Happier, announced in December that they were offering the app, which usually costs about $100/year, for FREE for the following groups:

All you have to do is click here, and you’ll be directed to sign up immediately, or you fill out a short survey and then can sign up.

They are using the honor system to limit the free signups to the indicated groups. Here’s what they said on their site:

We know that many groups of people have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. While we’d love to support everyone, we have been completely overwhelmed by the response to these offers. At this time, we’re only able to offer free access to warehouse employees, teachers, healthcare, grocery, and food delivery workers. Please honor this and do not click on the above buttons if you do not work in these fields. By doing this, you’ll allow us to serve these workers more quickly and efficiently, helping them in the critical work they are doing to support us all.

I love this– that is, I love that they’re making an effort to support who they can, making it easy for those groups to sign up, and asking the rest of us to help out by not deluging the system. I hope you do, too.

Readers, do you already use this app? Did you just download it and try it? Do you use others? Do other apps have this deal? Please share any info, as we are all in this together.

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