Most read posts of 2021, written in 2021, #ICYMI

These are most read posts in 2021 that were also written in 2021.

1. Catherine expresses her hope for 2021: that “The Biggest Loser” won’t be renewed for a 19th season .

2. Ten Percent Happier app is free for many types of frontline workers, reported Catherine.

3. What’s wrong with “Rearranging your Post-Pandemic ‘Friendscape’”, by Catherine

4. Tracy asks, What to do when your hot yoga studio proudly breaks the law?

5. “Your bad habits can kill you,” Lebowitz says, “but your good habits won’t save you.”, writes Nicole.

6. Naomi Osaka vs The Patriarchy (OR: That time a talented female athlete asked reporters to shut up and it didn’t go her way. Quel Surprise.), a classic Kim rant.

7. Book Review: What Fresh Hell Is This, a guest book review by Alexis.

8. Cate reflects On Cancelling Canada Day

9. Menopause Manifesto Reviewed, another guest book review by Alexis.

10. Cate writes abou On Not Erasing Blackness in gymnastics (and everywhere else)

Yummy 2021 muffins, Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash.
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