There’s a certain chill to the air that makes my thoughts turn to autumn road bike rides, hot tubs, and back to school

Signs of impending autumn:

As a long time student, then university professor, autumn has a special place in my heart. New classes, new students, new school supplies. Though I’m usually an electronic device user, I’ve just ordered some of my favourite notebooks.



And as blog readers know fall is my favorite bike riding season. All those beautiful colours, all that summer fitness, and sunshiney cool weather. So much fun. See Reasons to start riding in the fall and Looking ahead: The quiet season and the joys of fall riding.

But this year, I’m also feeling not quite ready. It’s been a rough summer health-wise for my family and me. I’m okay though others aren’t and I’ve been staying closer to home than I usually do. I think I’d be ready for fall if a) I’d had enough time at the beach, in the water (I haven’t); b) I’d actually had a vacation (just the bike rally which was fun but not quite a holiday and a weekend in Algonquin which was lovely in its own way but not quite long enough); and c) winter didn’t come after fall. Brrrr!

It helps that I have some active stuff planned for the fall. There’s the Halton Epic Tour in September, 110 km of hills, up and down the Niagara Escarpment. And I’m going to run my first 5 km in awhile, on Halloween with Tracy who is running the 10 km.

This year, as in past years, I pledge to do more outside. Ride my cyclocross bike! Cross country ski! Camp in a yurt! I am going to have an active outdoorsy winter. I’m going to try to commute on my bike, on the path, through the snow. Fat tires may be involved.

And I’m also looking forward to trips south. I’ve trips planned to San Francisco, Tucson, and South Carolina. Biking might just be involved. I might also do something every much out of character for me, fly away to warm weather and a beach. We’ll see.

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