A week of self-care bootcamp: notes from the trenches

Words "and breathe" by max-van-den-oetelaar for unsplash.

This week marked for me the end of my semester and the start of summer. I’ve turned in all my grades, attended graduation, finished a somewhat late grant report, and written a flurry of wrap-up emails about this and that.

This spring was a particularly emotionally depleting term. I had what seemed like a record number of needy students, and I spent lots of time and energy on helping them make it through to finals. This is my job and I’m committed to doing what it takes. But it took a lot out of me.

My therapist made a a great suggestion: she said I should consider myself as enrolling in self-care bootcamp as a way to rest, recharge and prepare myself for my research, home projects and travel for the summer. What a great idea!

Starting on Monday, I spent two days doing nothing but sleep, read, eat meals and watch back episodes of Star Trek Discovery. I did a little yoga on my mat in the living room and also meditated, which I do every day.

On Tuesday, I went to acupuncture, then bought lovely produce at my favorite lovely produce place. I thought about cooking.

By Wednesday I had emerged from my drowsy state and started to unearth my house from the layers of clothing, papers, books and other domestic detritus that had built up over the semester. I ran the first of several loads of laundry, cooked some of the produce and ate a nice meal. I read and then watched a bit of a historical series on PBS.

On Thursday I felt like tackling some small-scale house projects, so I did. I also picked up Dixie the dog– I’m taking care of her until next Tuesday. We walked around my neighborhood, admiring the flora and fauna in our specific ways– me by looking, her by sniffing. I cooked another nice dinner, with Dixie paying very close attention.

Rolling on the grass is clearly fun for Dixie. I haven’t tried it myself. Yet.

Dixie and I have gotten into a routine of meals, walks, play, napping, and social activity. We went to Watertown Porchfest with friends yesterday, walking around town to hear various bands set up on porches (obvs) and driveways. At one such concert I headed to the dog section, and made myself popular by offering dog treats to all four-footed music lovers in attendance.

When I’m not attending to Dixie, I’m engaging in other self-care tasks. I unsubscribed from some of the many Substack, NYTimes and miscellaneous other newsletters that I signed up for. I want to be informed and I love diving into topics I never knew were so complex and fascinating. But the throughput is just too much, so I’m giving myself a little vacay from having to decide whether and when to read any one of a dozen-plus newsletters.

I’m also doing a clear-out of excess stuff from my kitchen, pantry and study. My church is holding a sidewalk sale June 1, so this is a perfect opportunity to lighten things up and send many formerly-loved and used items on their way to new homes. It feels liberating and self-caring to let go of things that I’m not using or valuing anymore, in the hopes that someone else might use or value them. You never know.

The cherry on top of my self-care sundae is today’s two-hour gentle yoga and restorative sound bath with crystal singing bowls at Artemis, my local yoga studio. I did a one-hour sound bath a few weeks ago and felt very refreshed. I’m really looking forward to this one.

Next week begins more focused work on summer writing projects. I think I’m ready. This week was great– I slowed way down and only did what I wanted and needed to feel more replenished. As I ramp up activities, I hope to carry some of that self-care with me.

Readers, what do you do when you are out of gas and need to rest and refuel? I’d love to hear from you.

Dixie at rest on the loveseat. I was similarly sprawled out on the couch.
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