It’s October: time to make spooky exercise plans

A young woman in a huge open pumpkin, paddling in a pond in Belgium.

Today is October 1. Yes, the stores have long since been promoting Halloween; we’re all practically stepping over piles of candy corn and pumpkin-spice products that are spilling into the aisles. Here are two products I’ll definitely not be buying:

But of course, there’s room in this world for all kinds of tastes, so you do you.

Speaking of doing you, there are also all kinds Halloween-themed runs, bike races and rides, and even paddles in pumpkins. I’ve personally enjoyed several costume bike rides— at night around Halloween, and also at a cyclocross race. This year I’m considering my options and consulting friends about spooky celebratory riding options and will be reporting on it. In the meantime, here’s a post I wrote in 2017 to offer some Halloween fitness inspiration. Enjoy, and let me know if you have any plans to ride or run in a pumpkin this year!

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