Go Team! February 25: Small Things

Hey Team!

Here we are, almost at the end of February – the paradoxical longest/shortest month of the year – and I’d like to invite you to take a moment to celebrate your efforts this month.

In particular, I’d like you to celebrate a small effort you made on your own behalf, no matter what it was.

Did you move a few things around to give yourself a little more space in your living room for yoga?

Did you put a blanket next to the spot where you meditate so the idea of meditation was a little more inviting?

Did you make a plan for how to say no to the person who tries to coax you into plans you don’t really want to participate in?

Did you block out time on your schedule for exercise or meditation or colouring or dance breaks?

Did you work a little harder when exercising? Or go a little easier so you had more energy for your next challenge?

Did you choose to be kinder to yourself about mistakes or challenges or having to start over?

You and I both know that those ‘small’ things are actually HUGE things but they’re also the kind of efforts that we might brush off as not really worthy of celebration because they involved ‘just’ a little change here and there.

To hell with that!

OUR team celebrates EVERY effort.

And ANYTHING you do to make it easier to practice self-kindness and to take good care of yourself is worth breaking out the gold stars.

So, Team, here’s your invitation to think back through your efforts this month and choose to notice ALL of the work involved in making space for yourself, in taking time for yourself, and in doing what you can on any given day.

Go you!

Feel free to pop into the comments to tell me what you’re celebrating!

Here are your gold stars:

Why celebrate with just one star when I have seven of these VERY shiny ones to share with you? Go Team Us! Image description: small drawing of seven shiny gold stars against a background of overlapping curved lines. The drawing is resting on a black computer keyboard.
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