Go Team! January 20: Say Yet (that’s not a typo)

I don’t know about you but I love the hopeful and promising word “yet.”

There is so much possibility packed into that single word. Something hasn’t happened “yet” but with the right tools/skills/information/time frame it could still happen.

Think about the difference between these two statements.

  1. I don’t exercise regularly.

2. I don’t exercise regularly yet.

To me, the first one feels like something being shut down. It’s final and complete.

That second one though? Well, ANYTHING could happen with that one.

The word ‘yet’ is one of my favourite ways to counter discouragement.

It’s not that I am never going to be able to do the thing I am trying to do, I just haven’t found the right method…yet. I can still make changes and adjustments, I can figure out what I need or where to get further support.

Yes, I know this is a very small detail overall but, words have power and we might as well have that power working for us instead of against us. That little word might be the difference between feeling defeated and giving our plans another try.

So, Team, how might you use the word ‘yet’?

How can ‘yet’ keep a door open for you?

Is there something that you haven’t done ‘yet’ that might still be possible with the right support?

Do you have your gold star(s) for today yet?

Here you go!

Part of another drawing of mine. As you can tell, I like drawing stars and not-even-remotely-straight lines. Image description: 8 hand-drawn gold stars of various sizes with a background of black lines drawn on white paper.
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