fitness · motivation · new year's resolutions

It’s the day to ditch your resolutions

Today’s The Official Day To Ditch Your Resolutions.

“January 17 or Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day is popularly thought to be the day when a large number of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions. Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day gives you an excuse to forget your New Year’s resolutions.”

But you don’t have to quit. It’s not mandatory.

You have choices.

You can scale back and start smaller. That’s Tracy’s advice.

You can stick with it for now and quit later. I often like this one.

You can take a few days off and start again later. Last year Catherine started her new year February 9. Why Feb 9? It’s all arbitrary. You get to choose.

Christine has been posting daily tips to make keeping going easier.

Be kind to yourself. There’s a pandemic going on. You’re doing the best that you can.

Did you make a new year’s resolution? How’s it going for you? Let us know in the comments.