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Go Team! January 13: Keep What’s Working (And Toss or Tweak The Rest)

How are you doing with your exercise and wellness plans?

If all is well, then forge ahead!

But if you are struggling to fit your new plans into your day, you aren’t alone.

It can be really hard to add something challenging to your existing schedule and stick with it.

But, that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with YOU!

You aren’t failing, you aren’t messing up, and it definitely does NOT mean that you aren’t working hard enough.

All it means is that you have more information now than you did when you made your plans.

At this point, you have a much better idea of what works for you and where you might need to make some changes.

Perhaps your plan for early morning exercise isn’t working because you have too much to do at the end of the night before and you can’t get to bed early enough to get up at 6am.

Maybe the exercise program you selected is a notch or two above your current capacity and you need something closer to your current abilities.

Or you may have realized that your planned hour of exercise is too long to fit into your current schedule.

Or maybe you are dragging yourself through an abs program and you’ve realized that you hate every single exercise.

That’s all ok.

Your initial plans were not set in stone.

You are free to use this new information to switch things up to serve you better.

You can keep any part of your plans that is working and then toss or tweak anything that isn’t working for you.

Feel free to start over, start smaller, start at a different time, start a different program.

And try not to feel guilty about making those changes. I understand that ambient guilt floats around all of these things just waiting to attach itself to us but guilt can be less sticky when we are conscious of it. (I like to call it out when I feel it, literally saying aloud, ‘Oh, guilt, I recognize you! You don’t belong here.’ It’s a weird thing to do but it helps.)

Your exercise and wellness plans are YOURS. They are supposed to be about you and how you can feel better overall.

You don’t have to stick with any plans that aren’t serving you well.

So, if you need/want to, go ahead and reshape those plans.

Here’s your gold star for today’s efforts in movement, wellness, planning, tweaking, or tossing:

A gold star ornament   on a wooden tabletop.
Another day, another gold star!

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