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Most read posts in October, #ICYMI

  1. Cate is still menstruating and people keep reading about it!
  2. Kim is saying goodbye as a regular blogger. Miss you Kim! Looking forward to reading your guest posts when the mood strikes.
  3. It’s another pandemic shutdown for fitness studios and gyms: Cate asks, how do we help?
  4. Sam wonders why hockey is so bad at gender stereotyping in its efforts to attract girls to the sport.
  5. My metabolic age is WHAT? Nicole’s post on weight and metabolic age, whatever that is supposed to be. It’s all not very clear what it is and why Nicole should care.
  6. Cate wants to know what your pandemic closet looks like. What are you wearing and why?
  7. If you stack a cord of wood do you still need to workout? Mina wonders about that.
  8. Martha is looking ahead to winter and offering some helpful reflections.
  9. Tracy still doesn’t want to be a Precision Nutrition repeat customer. She’s done.
  10. More then 7 years ago (!) Sam blogged about crotch shots, upskirts, sports reporting, and the objectification of female athletes’ bodies.

Ghostly latte art!