#deanslife · covid19 · habits · health · nature · season transitions · self care

It’s just another pandemic Monday!

For some reason, Mondays are harder in pandemic times. I usually like Mondays. I’ve always liked the ‘back to the office’ energy, getting down to making lists and schedules for the week ahead, ‘how was your weekend? convos with colleagues, a bike ride the office, and lots and lots of coffee. These days there isn’t much of that. Instead, I look at my calendar, think ‘wow, we’re still doing this’ and start my first videoconference at 8 am.

My last public speaking event was March 5, 228 days ago. March 10 my calendar just says, ominously, “cancel all flights and hotels.” My first COVID-19 contingency planning meeting/conference call was March 13, 220 days ago.

Ever since I’ve been here in Guelph, working from home. This is a helpful reminder of the real date.

In July I wrote, “There are no boundaries any more. Life is one big blur of working at home, exercising at home, and relaxing at home. I occasionally look at my shoe collection in puzzlement. Will I ever wear real shoes again? I still have underwire bras hanging off a doorknob, neglected, and I’m wondering why I ever thought they were a good idea. These days only my comfiest of sports bras are in regular rotation.”

In light of the No Boundaries and the Great Big Blur, I’ve been thinking about restructuring my work week a little. Lots of things are busy during the weekend, out in the world, and I’m often working on the weekend. I’m wondering about taking some weekday time to ride trails, take Cheddar for hikes, and appreciate the outdoors. That’s the weekday/weekend trade but there’s also the daytime/nighttime swap. Yes, lots of work hours are fixed but if I am working into the evenings anyway, why can’t I squeeze some outside time in the sun into my day?

It’s hard to start work when it’s dark and finish after it’s dark again. Why not get out for a ride or a walk in the middle of the day?

Are you still working from home? How are you coping? 220 or so days in, are you making any changes to your schedule?

5 thoughts on “It’s just another pandemic Monday!

  1. I wonder how far underwire bra sales have fallen. Every once in a while I start to put one on and then I think, why? When I’m not doing a sport, it’s not like I needed them. They were padded with underwire to make me feel better about my flat chest. One upside of the pandemic–I do! Feel better about the “girls”.. Plus, so comfortable to just not wear bras at all.

  2. I have been back to the office and back home again. My current schedule is to return to the office November 2. I don’t want to- I like my work from home set up. But I am not the boss! Lol

    Underwire bras, jeans and makeup have all fallen by the wayside. When I return to work I expect minimal change. I will drive 45 km to an office where I will work behind a closed door. Then I will drive 45 km home.


    1. I can’t believe that you have to drive in to work to work alone. Surely working from home would be better for everyone. I work in my office one day a week right now but it’s a 10 minute bike commute. I wear work clothes for that one day b/c it feels like a treat to dress up but then I’m mostly alone in my office and wonder why. Lol.

      1. I could take the company bus. It is free.
        But I would have to catch it at 6:15 vs leaving home at 7.
        And, covid. Everyone is masked, but I am not comfortable getting on a closed bus for 45 minutes.

        It is hard to comprehend. Working at a mining/oil company the philosophy has always been they like a lot of oversight.

        My hope is that health official start encouraging companies to work from home again.

  3. I don’t leave my desk often enough during the day, but a UV light and the occasional YWA between meetings are helpful.

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