How do you fill the March sadness void? Here the Fit Feminist Team is trying new things

Sometimes McSweenys gets it just right. Take their March Sadness story. “The only way to play is to pick your saddest seeds and take solace in knowing all of this is temporary. There are no winners. We are all losers until April. But we and our bad skin are in it together. “

Me, I’m buying new plants to fill the void. (One of the McSweeney’s suggestions.)

Image description: A green plant in close focus.
Photo by Kara Eads on Unsplash

But around the blog it seems we are also all trying new things.

Catherine is the new things rockstar, trying Parkour and Ariel Silks. Go Catherine! Go Catherine!

Me, I branched out to Orange Theory earlier this winter and Zwift. (Zwift stuck and OT didn’t but next winter, maybe.)

Cate tried out a local crossfit style gym near her house.

And then Cheryl tried a circus class.

There’s a class I’ve been tempted by at the university’s fitness centre. It seems to involve banging sticks together.

How about you? Anything new on your fitness calendar this March?

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