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Women over 50 don’t find Yann Moix extraordinary, either…

Hi FIFI readers– in case you missed it: the latest episode of “international douchebags in the news” features childish and churlish French writer Yann Moix, who was interviewed by the French magazine Marie Claire and shared his dating preferences with us. No, I won’t make you wait– here it is (from a New York Times Op-Ed):

…he isn’t attracted to 50-year-old women…. he prefers to sleep with Asian women in their 20s. “The body of a 25-year old woman is extraordinary,” he explained. “The body of a 50-year-old woman isn’t extraordinary at all.” Falling in love with a 50-year-old would be out of the question: For him, women that age are “invisible.”

Well, the French and American fashion media just can’t let this jerk throw down such a misogynist gauntlet and not pick it up. So what do they do? They fight back by finding 50-year-old movie stars and celebrities to prove this bozo wrong. And who do they enlist but Julia Roberts, who happens to be 51. Here she is:

Actor Julia Roberts on the cover of French magazine Gala, with headline reading "Julia Roberts is 50 years old. So!" At least I think it says that. I took French in college, which was a long time ago.
Actor Julia Roberts on the cover of French magazine Gala, with headline reading “Julia Roberts is 50 years old. So!” At least I think it says that. I took French in college, which was a long time ago.

Yeah! Take that, you bumptious troll. Julia is showing us that women over 50 *are* extraordinary, because she is. I mean, look at her on the November 2018 cover of Harper’s Bazaar– she’s rock climbing, and in a humongous pink tulle cotton-candy confection of a dress. If that’s not extraordinary, I don’t know what is.

The cover of Harper's Bazaar magazine, with Julia Roberts clinging to a rock outcropping in a very big, very pink tulle dress.
The cover of Harper’s Bazaar magazine, with Julia Roberts clinging to a rock outcropping in a very big, very pink tulle dress. While smiling.

Okay, I’ll be serious now. While it is true that Julia Roberts seems pretty awesome and fun and dreamy-looking on these magazine covers, even she can’t overcome such contemptuous views about women (all of them– it’s not like the 20-somethings are thinking, “Whew! We’re really glad we’re still considered attractive by this vainglorious piss-ant.”).

No, she needs reinforcements. And they are on the case, most notably in the form of French women, who submitted evidence of the extraordinariness of women over 50.

They… submitted evidence to rebut Mr. Moix’s view of older women, including photos of gorgeous middle-aged actresses like Halle Berry. In case a former Bond girl didn’t redeem the whole age class, ordinary women offered themselves up for inspection. One 52-year-old French writer posted a photograph of her admirably toned derrière, and other 50-plus women followed suit — hundreds, according to Mr. Moix. (“I would like 50-year-old women to stop sending me photos of their bottoms and breasts,” he pleaded.)

New York Times

Thanks (or rather, merci beaucoup) to all those French women, who delivered up themselves in their own 50-something glory to show him who’s fabulous.

But I don’t think we’re done yet with Monsieur Meh here. He needs a more substantive response to his “women over 50 aren’t extraordinary” claim. Here are some of my thoughts.

Why do we have to have extraordinary bodies to be worth something? Ordinary bodies are lovely, practical, functional, sustainable, and probably also more economical than extraordinary ones (I can’t even guess how much that huge pink dress costs, not to mention the pain of cosmetic surgery, diets, etc. that some extraordinary-looking people go through).

I think all bodies are extraordinary. And all women’s bodies in particular– we do extraordinary things with them. And they differ gloriously– like wildflowers in a meadow– in various shapes and colors.

You, Yann “messed up” Moix, don’t get a picture of my stupendous ass. No no no– you gotta earn the right to a viewing. And you’re missing out, loser.

Youth is sparkling and chaotic and confusing and uncertain. Life over 50 (speaking for me) has more clarity, sweetness, complexity and community. I don’t look the same. I don’t feel the same. That’s life. One of my aspirations as an over-50 woman is not to be oppressed or made low by attractiveness standards that overlook or ignore me.

Readers, what do you make of this “women over 50 aren’t extraordinary” business? Should we just sail on past it? Take a stand and fight back? Continue spamming this dork with butt shots aplenty? I’d love to hear what you think.

8 thoughts on “Women over 50 don’t find Yann Moix extraordinary, either…

  1. I think the “pushback” of women who are considered to meet the beauty norms of our society (and who have had the $/time/requirement for maintenance, cosmetic procedures – and don’t forget airbrushing) is a strategic error as it’s still trying to prove “hey we’re older but we still meet this jerk’s standards”. Why should anyone care what he thinks – especially anyone who doesn’t have to interact with him?

    I think these points you make are excellent:
    Why do we have to have extraordinary bodies to be worth something?
    One of my aspirations as an over-50 woman is not to be oppressed or made low by attractiveness standards that overlook or ignore me.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass if some misogynistic twat thinks I’m attractive, lovable, or f-able. He’s not worthy of a response. Starve that attention-seeking ego of his of what it wants most.

    1. Yes! I totally agree with you. What will hurt this jerk more than anything is to be ignored.

  2. Check this article out from last year. It has a more holistic definition of ‘extraordinary” – women over 50 who are, for example, a national equestrian, world medalist in Tae Kwon Do, best selling author…

    I’m going to go low for a moment and comment that this dingbat is stupidly admitting that he only “falls in love” with physical youth. I kind of pity him. He obviously doesn’t have what it takes to attract a woman who has put time and effort in developing her whole being. At 25, I was still trying to figure so much out. I’m just saying.

    1. Thanks for the link; those women are doing some extraordinary things (as are we…:-) Yeah, this guy is foolish and clearly immature. And uninteresting!

  3. My first thought was, luckily that means I do not have to deal with him as it is clear he is immature and not a human being I want to form a friendship or relationship.
    Second thought is, why print shit like that, just leave it off. I am sure interviews are edited and there is no need to spread this sort of balloney around.
    Third thought sufficent to say he is an ageist and sexist, he is not getting pics from me unless it is one showing my middle finger and I have grown beyond that mostly.

  4. Ok, I just had to look him up. I wouldn’t sleep with him now or ever. I bet the only reason he gets the 20 year old Asian has something to do with money. 😂

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