Aikido · fitness · injury

Back on the mat and realizing I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet

I’ve mourned here for running. See Sam struggles not to run, ever! I’ve said goodbye to soccer.

But I haven’t said goodbye to Akido even though I haven’t been in a couple of years. It’s partly because it’s too sad. I really miss it. I draft posts about it but I never hit “publish.” I left because of my left knee mostly but also because there’s no Akido in Guelph.

Akido and I don’t have a perfect relationship. I love parts of it and struggle with others.

And I think, in my heart of hearts, I don’t want to say goodbye. I want to go back on the mat. And on Sunday I did.

I was visiting my friend Rob, who started Aikido with me, and who now has a black belt and teaches the students at the Western University Aikido Club. My daughter Mallory is also a member of that club.

Sarah and I were in town for Rob’s 60th birthday party Saturday night. There were lots of Akido people at the party and somehow we ended up agreeing to come to the Sunday morning class. They’re a persuasive bunch.

I wasn’t sure how much I’d remember. But the basic movements came back once my bare feet touched the mat. So too did my Akido smile. I miss you Akido!

15 thoughts on “Back on the mat and realizing I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet

  1. Love those Aikido smiles where everyone is exhausted, empty and completely happy. There are two dojo’s in Guelph. One is Grand River Aikido which is Shioda Style Yoshinkan and the other is Royal City Aikido an Iwama Ryu Style. Can’t comment on Royal City Aikido as it started after I had joined Grand River Aikido. Both are welcoming should you wish to ever explore again.

  2. I feel ya. I had to leave Aikido for a while due to a concussion. Tried going back last month but ended up with headaches for three weeks. Even with that – it’s really hard to say goodbye. ☹️

      1. Thank you. My comment came across as more morose than I intended. 😊 I was thinking I might try just doing a weapons class… as long as I don’t take ukemi (not sure if it’s the rotation or the impact that bothers me) it might be okay for my head, while still allowing me to work on ma-ai and timing. At the very least, I can try doing the kata at home by myself! Maybe something like that would work for your knee?

  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed your morning at WAC. Good news! There is an aikido club at UofG.

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