Mental health challenge day 2: Sam gets thankful

This has been making the rounds on Facebook and lots of people say they like it. It’s day two for me… and I thought I’d share with you ten things for which I’m grateful:

1. This blog and the bloggers and the community that’s grown up around us.

2. Avacado on toast. I’m eating some right now.

3. Terrific philosophy departments trying hard to get things right. Here’s looking at you UConn.

4. My family and people close to me who support me in the things that matter most.

5. Dogs.

6. Beautiful fall colours. It never gets old. Actually I think it gets better with age. I used to puzzle about my mother in law who loved fall colours and who would go on drives to look at them and who photographed them each year. They’re just leaves, I thought. I didn’t appreciate them. Now I do. I’m in Connecticut and the campus is glowing orange in the last days of fall. It’s beautiful.

7. Hugs. I love meeting fellow huggers. Who ask, Can I hug you? Yes, yes you can.

8. Beautiful shoes. Lately I’ve been drooling over new Danskos. I’d love them in brown, red, and shiny black. I don’t need to own then. I’m just grateful they exist, comfortable beautiful shoes.

9. Coffee. I love all the kinds. A cortado is best but even this American hotel coffee tastes good.

10. Bicycles. Of course!

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