accessibility · aging · fitness

We don’t need a war on walkers

But a fitness class for those who use them might be a good idea anyway. Just don’t call it the “war on walkers” class. Why not? Well, it’s not a war and some people need walkers. for someone with balance issues using a walker can be the difference between independence and getting out and about safely. A walker with wheels, a seat and storage makes it possible for someone fragile to be far more active. It’s needlessly pejorative to call it a “war”. That said, maintaining core and leg strength to stand up out of a chair is huge and is a big indicator for fall avoidance. I like the starting where you are approach and not writing older people off. It can be a tough balance to get right.

Here’s this from a promo for the class called “War on Walkers”:

“War against the Walker class is starting to show real results. Getting up on her own is almost a reality. Introduced the modified push-up this morning. This entire assisted living population has been written off as either a lost cause or too much work. We totally disagree with this sentiment. We will train anyone in any condition, that’s what we do.”

5 thoughts on “We don’t need a war on walkers

  1. Seems like part of the trend in using aggressive language in many areas of life. So so many people embrace exclusionary or extreme language without any consideration for other viewpoints. It can be exhausting.

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