cycling · Sat with Nat

Nat enjoyed a pretty awesome MS Bike Tour

For the second year in a row I got to ride in the Grand Bend MS Bike Tour. This year my cycling was sparse and I was nervous about completing the ride.

My team, London Lifecycles, is packed with colleagues and friends. I get a lot of joy from hanging out with them.

Natalie faces the camera smiling. Behind her is a group of people chatting animatedly wearing orange cycling jerseys

This year I started Day 1 with my friend Tracy & her 7 year old son Tyler. We rode the first 40km together. The Sweeps were lovely but I hoped I wouldn’t see them again. I hopped on my bike and gave my best effort.

Day 2 I decided to ride on my own. I had a great time seeing friends pass me or chat at the checkpoints. The weather was ideal, 25C with light wind. I finished the route nearly an hour faster than last year. I’m 99% sure that was due to the weather.

It was still hot though.

 Natalie looks at the camera with a rye face. Her hair is wet and standing on end

It was a great weekend and the perfect way to kick off my vacation.

One thought on “Nat enjoyed a pretty awesome MS Bike Tour

  1. Love your hair and your facial expression. Sounds like a great ride. I really miss riding with you!

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