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Moderation Won’t Work If You’re Addicted, but Are You Sure You’re Addicted? #tbt

A #tbt from five years ago, where I explored food addiction and intuitive eating.

3 thoughts on “Moderation Won’t Work If You’re Addicted, but Are You Sure You’re Addicted? #tbt

  1. Here’s a thing I wonder about. What if some foods, very processed, highly designed foods, are designed to bypass our usual satiety signals. It’s a better explanation of the phenomena of those foods we start eating and can’t stop eating. Not addiction. Rather a design feature of the food. That might be a reason that’s not an addiction reason to avoid those foods.

  2. I suppose that would be another reason to avoid those foods, yes. But I think there are some foods that it would be odd to expect satiety from but that may just be an orientation that I have towards food where not all foods are equally satisfying when I’m hungry. I don’t expect to get full or feel satiated from chocolate and donuts and potato chips, for example, if I’m actually hungry (for a meal). And for that reason I don’t usually turn to them when I’m hungry unless there are no alternatives. They’re more like fun food or occasional food — snacks or accompaniments — not food I would rely on for satiety. So for someone who approaches food like I do, it wouldn’t be an issue (since we’re not seeking satiety from those foods and so are not looking for the signal–I mean, I almost never stop eating chocolate from “feeling full.” It’s more like I have a couple of pieces and I feel as if I’ve had enough of that thanks. Served its purpose.). However, even for someone who approaches food like I do, there may be some foods they’re addicted to and can’t stop eating (regardless of whether the food bypasses the signals or they in fact feel they’ve had enough but still can’t stop).

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