
My #HandstandChallenge2018 (Guest Post)

I’ve never had a particularly strong upper body, but since I became post-menopausal about two years ago, I can feel myself losing any residual upper body muscle by the month. As a desk bound accountant, I do nothing in my work life that uses any of my muscles. As a cyclist and runner, my upper body doesn’t get stressed unless I make the effort to do specific exercises.

I have always admired the ability and appearance of women who do CrossFit, and advanced yoga. One move that I keep seeing images of is the freestanding handstand. I have wistfully wished that I could do that but always assumed that at 54, it was too late.

However, on January 1st, completely impulsively, I asked my husband to video me trying to do a handstand against the basement wall. I posted it on my Facebook and Instagram pages and got a lot of encouragement and also helpful hints from my yoga and strength coach friends. I gradually let this become my 2018 challenge.

Surprisingly, after only three weeks, I have seen improvements in my ability. I’m excited to see how this progresses. Doing a freestanding handstand has become a stepping stone to my ultimate goal of gaining more upper body strength.

If you are interested in seeing my progression, here is my Instagram account:

Full disclosure, this account is a mishmash of all parts of my life, including my two businesses…. but I’m trying to check in every second day with a handstand video!

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