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A return to fitness in 2018 (Guest post)

Biking with a friend

I love to make New Year’s resolutions, although I sometimes have uneven results. My main and most exciting New Year’s resolution for 2018 is to do 218 workouts – they don’t have to be particularly strenuous or any set length but they have to be fun and pleasurable.

I hope that 2018 – the year I turn 40 – will be at my fittest year ever. This isn’t an extreme goal because my fittest year was probably 2011, when I was running regularly, had not yet gotten my driver’s license so cycled everywhere out of necessity, and impulsively bought an expensive personal training program. I was 33, so it is not as if I am trying to re-live athletic teen years, which would be considerably harder. I was actually the type of kid for whom gym class was a nightmare. I walked the field when I was supposed to run, regularly ‘forgot’ my gym clothes, and dreaded group sports when my lack of any skill would be humiliatingly apparent to all my classmates.

I was not fit in any sense of the word until my late twenties when I started to cycle everywhere often, in those years, pulling two children and/or groceries (!!) in a bike trailer. When I was 30 and newly single I decided to try some new activities: running, roller derby, hot yoga, and weight-training. I felt fantastic, met some great people, and began to think of myself as a fit, even athletic, person. I felt strong and powerful and had a lot of fun. I still remember the exhilarating day I ran 13 km for the first time. As someone who a couple years earlier could not run one block, I was extremely proud of myself.

Unfortunately, the fitness activities got confused with and integrated into disordered eating habits, which dulled my enjoyment. Healing from disordered eating, which for me meant restricted eating, and unattainable weight loss goals, meant also giving up some of my fitness goals. But now I am about turn 40, a busy PhD student, community activist, and mom. Giving up a strong focus on fitness may have been necessary for me to heal from disordered eating but it also meant that I lost the physical and emotional benefits of fitness especially the almost magical effect it has on my ability to deal constructively with stress.

I miss the camaraderie that accompanied roller derby practices and group runs. I miss experiencing my body as strong and powerful. When I think about my life in ten and twenty years, I want fitness to be an everyday part of it. So, I have made a plan to get to my fittest this year and to re-discover the joy of fitness.

The plan is simple: do 218 workouts in 2018 which will include some weight-training, a gentle triathlon, and a few no-pressure and fun 5 or 10 km runs.

Maybe I’ll even, finally, attempt a fall half marathon – but only if it brings me joy. I also hope to cycle year-round instead of taking a long winter break after which I always feel hesitant and creaky. The focus, other than doing the 218 workouts, will be on feeling pleasure in moving my body and having fun participating in physical activities with other people.

There will be absolutely no weight loss goals or restricted eating plans and I will steer clear of others who have integrated those elements into their fitness plans and motivations. I’m excited, motivated, and ready to have fun and feel strong!

Kayaking in Venice in 2017

Becky Ellis is a PhD student at Western University who studies the bee-human relationship in cities. She is a mom to four kids and a community activist. Becky loves gardening, cycling at a leisurely pace, and taking millions of pictures of bees. She also maintains the blog Permaculture for the People about social justice and urban permaculture.

4 thoughts on “A return to fitness in 2018 (Guest post)

  1. I like your goal of 218 workouts and I may adopt it for myself. In the past I had an eating disorder so there is always that push and pull inside of me to ensure that my goals are balanced. I ran my first half marathon when I was 49 and did six others after that. It is funny that the one I did best at was the one I was most relaxed about. The more intensely I tried to train, the less effective I became. Now I am doing more listening to my body and trying to find ways to work out that I find most enjoyable. Best of luck to you and I look forward to reading more.

  2. I spent a number of years in a similar disordered eating/excessive fitness state. For me it morphed into drinking too much. In 2013 I managed to quit both the drinking and the starving.
    Since then my fitness has solely revolved around Yoga. Hard Yoga, easy Yoga, meditation, etc. It changed my whole view of myself.
    Recently I decided to try adding back some fitness options that involved weights. And, after 4 years, I weighed myself.
    I weigh more than I thought and am suddenly back in the mental cycle of evaluating everything I eat and comparing myself to others. I’m backing away slowly…and calling my therapist.

    I look forward to reading more about your journey back!


    1. We’d love to have you blog for us, by the way. If that fits with your therapy plan…. Let me know.

  3. Welcome aboard the 218 in 2018 bus. Love how welcoming this group has been. Love that all activity counts. Great to see the range. Think you’ll enjoy it

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