fitness · yoga

Aimée is over it, so over it, #yoga

Aimée Morrison writes: “I am officially 100% over ever seeing another skinny, pretty, blonde, expensively dressed yoga teacher doing incredibly difficult poses in airy and sunlit minimalist rooms, unsweaty and smiling beatifically. Honest to god, I think these kinds of braggy photos are the reverse of yoga. Of course, my feed is full of yoga ads with nothing but these kinds of images. OVER IT.”

I was glad I found  a yoga photo without skinny blondes for this post.

Photo by Jonathan Fink on Unsplash


Aimée Morrison has been practicing yoga for 11 years, training in a 200 hour YTT in 2014, and Yoga for Round Bodies 2016. Erstwhile yoga teacher introductory to advanced at Queen Street Yoga in Kitchener. In her spare time, associate prof at UWaterloo, specializing in social media.

4 thoughts on “Aimée is over it, so over it, #yoga

  1. Thank you. Yes. A Korean woman I sat next to on a very long plane ride echoed the sentiment. ‘White women, so boooring. So same. So fake. So entitled.’ It was hilarious, blatant honesty. I’m white (not blonde, a yogi or rich) but apparently safe to tell the truth to.

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