weight lifting · You Ask

You Ask, Fit Feminists Answer: Where does a beginning weight lifter start?

This is the second in a new series where we answer readers’ questions.

Dear FFI, could you recommend a good beginners guide to weight training at home? A book or a web resource. I’d like to start gently and can’t go to the gym. Thanks in advance!

Sam says, “I like Stumptuous. Here’s her advice on setting up a home gym. And not quite a how-to book and with apologies for the title, I also like The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess (2008). Also have a look at NerdFitnessfor their Strength Training 101.

Tracy likes Nia Shanks. She says, “I would recommend Nia Shanks, Lift Like a Girl. The website is pretty good. The Beautiful Badass workouts have modifications and variations for home training. She’s not perfect in staying away from weight loss/diet talk, but she’s better than most. And if you purchase the PDF of Beautiful Badass you gain access to youtube videos that aren’t otherwise searchable.”

What do you think? What do you recommend? Suggest away in the comments.

So if you have questions send them our way, using the “contact us” form on the left hand side of the blog. I’ll forward them to the appropriate blogger. We’re not experts by any means but we do have a wealth of real world experience with many, many physical activities.

6 thoughts on “You Ask, Fit Feminists Answer: Where does a beginning weight lifter start?

  1. I like all of your suggestions, and have one to add: Girls Gone Strong’s Modern Woman’s Guide to Strength Training.
    It took me a lot of prep time before I felt comfortable with weights. I reviewed literally all of your suggestions, plus GGS, and now, 2 years later, I’m a woman who lifts heavy things!

  2. I highly recommend Jen Sinkler’s Lift Weights Faster programs (there’s 2 now). They’re a hybrid between strength training and cardio (hence the faster), and the online PDFs include full instructions for every exercise/movement. There are workouts for bodyweight, KBs, dumbbells, and barbells–great for someone starting out at home with minimal equipment. (And I think it’s going on sale for half price soon.)

  3. I’ve got be honest and say I was excited to check out nerd fitness, but then saw they posted some anti sugar thing. Which of course brought out the commenters of the “sugar is the devil and you will die if you eat it” crowd. I’m having some real issues with “fitness” sites Becky “nutrition” sites. I use to work in a gym and saw that all the time, trainers acting like nutritionists. I like girls gone strong. I like http://www.myomytv.com. but I wish I could find more fitness sites that left out food.

  4. I started with NROL4W but once I realized my interests were less looking toned and more lifting as much as I humanly could, there was less women-oriented material out there. Thankfully, lifting works just about the same for men and women so I encourage you to read a lot, take what works, leave what doesn’t (for me, any lifting forum– bro central), and lift in the way you most enjoy!

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