
Sam feels wishy washy about the warm weather

I don’t know about you but as a resident of North America enjoying unseasonably warm weather, I’ve got mixed feelings. Sun! Warmth! But also it feels a bit doom like.

After all while Canadians are enjoying a very warm end to winter, Australians are roasting. Our country gets slightly more liveable while their’s gets slightly less.

This piece explores the ethics of enjoying the warm weather when we know it’s linked to an impending global catastrophe. 

They conclude that it’s okay to see the effects of global warming as a mixed bag. No guilt needed.

My day included a long dog hike without the Fitbit, then 10,000 steps after putting the Fitbit on, and bike commuting with bonus errands. Somehow the nice weather makes this easy.

Here’s my hiking companion, Cheddar.

How do you feel about this warm weather in February? I sighed when I put my skates and skis away. But mostly I’m happy to get back on my bike.

5 thoughts on “Sam feels wishy washy about the warm weather

  1. Glad you got it! Yes, got a nice ride to lunch in Bothell… about 33 miles.


  2. I’m so excited for the warm weather!! Although I did comment to my husband that maybe I should feel guilty because of global warming, etc.

    Side note: Was Cheddar off-leash? Where did you find that lets you take a dog off-leash? I can’t find anywhere near me.

  3. We were in Westminster Ponds in London, Ontario. It’s not an official off leash area but once we’re away from the main area I let Cheddar roam. But he’s good at recall and very friendly. We also visit the official off leash parks a lot and at the Pinery love the dog beach.

  4. Thanks for thinking of us in Oz. For our family and the people we know, it was kinda something we’re used to. We had a lot of cold baths and spent more time in malls than usual. It just felt a bit creepy because climate change. Also, it keeps getting really hot and then really cold (and some places are flooding). As always it’s the very young & old and the poor that suffer. We also had quite a lot of dead lizards and birds. The sunsets have been glorious.

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