
Happy Blue Monday!

Happy worst day of the year! See Why January 16th is Called Blue Monday and What You Can Do about It.

It’s an inexact science, of course. But it’s a rough month whatever the actual worst day is. Read more here.

“The original date of “Blue Monday” was mathematically calculated in 2005 by Dr. Cliff Arnall a researcher at Cardiff University. In 2005 Blue Monday fell on January 24th which was the 4th Monday of January. (MSN:news/Jan. 24, 2005 called worst day of the year).

Mr. Arnall created his formula for the most depressing day of the year by working six distinct factors into the equation: weather conditions (Gloomy old January and its typical lack of sunshine), debt level and our ability to pay that debt, time elapsed since Christmas, time elapsed since failing our New Years resolutions, our general seasonal motivational levels, and our need to take action and to have something to look forward to( During January, and depending on where you reside, there are no statutory holidays in the fore-see-able future. Gasp!).”

Maybe take the day off, walk your dog in the woods, nap lots, buy some quality chocolate, and hug all your friends.

Or if temperamentally you need a good wallow every once in awhile designate that day. Drag out some sad songs, drink tea, watch some sad movies, and stock up on handkerchiefs. Get it out of your system.

Here’s some resources:

Why do sad songs help with sadness? Here’s one answer. “Sad songs counter such deterioration by enhancing a sense of social connectedness or bonding. Research has shown that one of the strongest emotions elicited by sad songs is nostalgia. By triggering reminiscence, nostalgia can remind us of who we once were, how we overcame challenges in the past, and who we are in terms of our relationships to others. Nostalgia is associated with enhanced social connectedness, continuity of self, and healthy ways of coping with stress. Memories of prior achievements, family get-togethers, and activities we enjoyed remind us that, once possible before, joy is attainable again. Remembering that we were once loved, not for what we could do, earn, or give, but simply for who we are reminds us of our enduring worth.”

Read more here.

Maybe end the day with a sad run. And then start the next day anew and call it the start of spring.



4 thoughts on “Happy Blue Monday!

    1. The happiest day of the year here is supposed to be around the third week of June. On a Saturday, not a Monday, of course. I imagine for you it’s just the reverse. I enjoyed the midwinter festival in Dunedin, NZ when I was there.

  1. I’m excited to be off today! I will be walking my dog! Thankfully not in debt after the holidays and I do have a brand new melancholy album to listen to while I write later 😉 Happy blue Monday!

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